
Distinct brain disorders biologically linked

A team of researchers have shown that schizophrenia and a disorder associated with autism and learning difficulties share a common biological pathway. This is one of the first times that researchers have uncovered genetic ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Children's language development doesn't just happen through words

Children learn to understand language and to speak largely independently of cognitive functions like spatial awareness, working (short-term) memory and perception (interpreting and organizing sensory impressions), according ...

Medical research

What everyone should know about cleft lip

After discussing actor Joaquin Phoenix's appearance on her talk show earlier this month, Wendy Williams received near universal condemnation for mocking those affected with cleft lip—a common birth defect in which the upper ...

Medical research

A rose-tinted cure:The myth of colored overlays and dyslexia

It is claimed that the use of colored filters and lenses can alleviate visual distortions for people with dyslexia. These overlays are simple translucent pieces of plastic which add color to text. But I believe they should ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Families shape learning difficulties research

Young people with learning difficulties and their families have helped to identify key areas of research that could improve their lives.

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