Autism spectrum disorders

Humanoid robot helps train children with autism

"Aiden, look!" piped NAO, a two-foot tall humanoid robot, as it pointed to a flat-panel display on a far wall. As the cartoon dog Scooby Doo flashed on the screen, Aiden, a young boy with an unruly thatch of straw-colored ...


Understanding the chemical mechanism behind antidepressants

(Medical Xpress)—Millions of Americans take antidepressants such as Prozac, Effexor, and Paxil, but the explanations for how they work never satisfied René Hen, a professor of psychiatry, neuroscience and pharmacology.


A better way to remember

Scientists and educators alike have long known that cramming is not an effective way to remember things. With their latest findings, researchers at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Japan, studying eye movement response ...


How the brain improves motor control

Adaptation in reaching—gradual improvement of motor control in response to a perturbation—is a central issue in motor neuroscience.However, even the cortical origin of errors that drive adaptation has remained elusive. ...

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