Health informatics

Medical AI tool gets human thumbs-up in first study

A new artificial intelligence computer program created by researchers at the University of Florida and NVIDIA can generate doctors' notes so well that two physicians couldn't tell the difference, according to an early study ...


Apotransferrin shows promise as an early treatment for stroke

Researchers from Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) have discovered that administering human apotransferrin to mice models affected by intracerebral hemorrhage can mitigate the damaging effects of this severe ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Researchers optimize cervix visualization for pelvic exams

Pelvic exams are an indispensable part of gynecological care and are used to screen for conditions, such as cervical cancer, that affect millions of patients every year. Unfortunately, pelvic exams can be challenging for ...


CBD as a painkiller: Efficacy not clinically proven

Cannabidiol (CBD) is marketed by some suppliers as a painkiller, e.g., for osteoarthritis of the knee. Animal experiments have shown that the substance, which is extracted from the hemp plant, has an anti-inflammatory and ...

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