
Too much sleep bad for brain, study says

Preliminary results from the world's largest sleep study have shown that people who sleep on average between seven to eight hours per night performed better cognitively than those who slept less – or more – than this ...


To understand working memory, scientists must resolve this debate

In a debate where the stakes are nothing short of understanding how the brain maintains its "sketchpad of conscious thought," researchers argue over exactly what makes working memory work in dueling papers in the Aug. 8 edition ...


How do we lose memory? A STEP at a time, researchers say

In mice, rats, monkeys, and people, aging can take its toll on cognitive function. A new study by researchers at Yale and Université de Montréal reveal there is a common denominator to the decline in all of these species—an ...


Scientists use supercomputer to search for "memory molecules"

Until now, searching for genes related to memory capacity has been comparable to seeking out the proverbial "needle in a haystack." Scientists at the University of Basel made use of the CSCS supercomputer Piz Daint to discover ...


The brain mechanism behind multitasking

Although "multitasking" is a popular buzzword, research shows that only 2% of the population actually multitasks efficiently. Most of us just shift back and forth between different tasks, a process that requires our brains ...


Link discovered between immune system, brain structure and memory

In two independent studies, scientists at the University of Basel have demonstrated that both the structure of the brain and several memory functions are linked to immune system genes. The scientific journals Nature Communications ...


Researchers show brain stimulation restores memory during lapses

A team of neuroscientists at the University of Pennsylvania has shown for the first time that electrical stimulation delivered when memory is predicted to fail can improve memory function in the human brain. That same stimulation ...

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