Medical research

Scientists find key cues to regulate bone-building cells

The prospect of regenerating bone lost to cancer or trauma is a step closer to the clinic as University of Wisconsin-Madison scientists have identified two proteins found in bone marrow as key regulators of the master cells ...

Medical research

Bone marrow inflammation predicts leukemia risk

Cancer is generally thought to arise from genetic damage within individual cells, but recent evidence has suggested that abnormal signaling in the surrounding tissue also plays an important role. In a study published September ...

Medical research

Researchers find new way to force stem cells to become bone cells

Imagine you have a bone fracture or a hip replacement, and you need bone to form, but you heal slowly – a common fact of life for older people. Instead of forming bone, you could form fat. Researchers at the University ...

Medical research

Study shows how stem cell therapy protects bone in lupus

People with lupus, an autoimmune disease, suffer from fatigue, joint pain and swelling and also have a markedly increased risk of developing osteoporosis. Clinical trials have shown that receiving a transplant of mesenchymal ...

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