Oncology & Cancer

Aggregated waste in brain tumors predict disease severity

Proteins are crucial to all cellular processes. So for a cell to stay viable, it has to keep its proteins in shape. In technical terms, it's called protein folding, and it refers to the process by which proteins assume their ...


DNA methylation changes in neurons of bipolar disorder patients

A research collaboration based in Kumamoto University, Japan, has revealed the DNA methylation status of gene transcriptional regulatory regions in the frontal lobes of patients with bipolar disorder (BD). The regions with ...


Researchers relate DNA methylation levels to obesity

DNA methylation is a mechanism that regulates whether genes are "on" or "off", and is influenced by hereditary and environmental factors, as well as lifestyle and nutritional habits.


Holding infants—or not—can leave traces on their genes

The amount of close and comforting contact between infants and their caregivers can affect children at the molecular level, an effect detectable four years later, according to new research from the University of British Columbia ...


Genes and immune system shaped by childhood poverty, stress

(Medical Xpress)—A University of British Columbia and Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics (CMMT) study has revealed that childhood poverty, stress as an adult, and demographics such as age, sex and ethnicity, ...

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