Endocrinology & Metabolism

Metabolism meets signaling to fine-tune cell growth

Cells use a variety of metabolic pathways to synthesize the building blocks for growth and proliferation. To ensure balanced growth, these biosynthetic processes must be tightly coordinated. Researchers from the Max Planck ...

Medical research

How oxygen deprivation causes cancer cells to spread

In breast cancer, metastasis rather than the primary tumor is the cause of death. A lack of oxygen in the tumor cells promotes this metastasis, accompanied by a reprogramming of the cell's metabolism. Ph.D. candidate Qiuyu ...


Mitochondrial respiratory chain sustains inflammation

Northwestern Medicine investigators recently discovered that the mitochondrial respiratory chain—a series of protein complexes essential for a cellular respiration and energy production—is necessary for the activation ...

Oncology & Cancer

How to shut down the power stations of cancer cells

An emerging nanomedicine cancer treatment involving the injection of tiny nanoparticles carrying compounds that can poison cancerous cells has many benefits. This so-called photodynamic therapy (PDT) is non-toxic and it doesn't ...

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