
Artificial intelligence assists in dental care and jaw surgery

A dentist inserting a tooth implant must know the exact location of the nerve canal in the patient's lower jaw to plan the size and position of the implant, along with the overall procedure. This requires X-ray images in ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Researchers trace Parkinson's damage in the heart

A new way to examine stress and inflammation in the heart will help Parkinson's researchers test new therapies and explore an unappreciated way the disease puts people at risk of falls and hospitalization.


Science reveals the power of a handshake

(Medical Xpress)—New neuroscience research is confirming an old adage about the power of a handshake: strangers do form a better impression of those who proffer their hand in greeting. The study was led by Beckman Institute ...


Attention and awareness uncoupled in brain imaging experiments

In everyday life, attention and awareness appear tightly interwoven. Attending to the scissors on the right side of your desk, you become aware of their attributes, for example the red handles. Vice versa, the red handles ...


Researchers map damaged connections in Phineas Gage's brain

(Medical Xpress) -- Poor Phineas Gage. In 1848, the supervisor for the Rutland and Burlington Railroad in Vermont was using a 13-pound, 3-foot-7-inch rod to pack blasting powder into a rock when he triggered an explosion ...

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