Oncology & Cancer

Treating breast cancer with progesterone could aid survival

A special technique where breast cancer cells are "rescued" for research has been developed at the University of Adelaide. Coupled with advanced scientific technologies pioneered by Cambridge University this has provided ...

Oncology & Cancer

The switch that might tame the most aggressive of breast cancers

Australian researchers have found that so-called 'triple-negative breast cancers' are two distinct diseases that likely originate from different cell types. This helps explain why survival prospects for women with the diagnosis ...


Scientists unlock gender key to treating stroke

(Medical Xpress)—Stroke is Australia's second biggest killer after coronary heart disease and a leading cause of disability, and there is no treatment for the disease which costs the Australian economy more than $49 million ...

Oncology & Cancer

New anti-cancer compound shows promise for breast cancer

Melbourne researchers have discovered that anti-cancer compounds currently in clinical trials for some types of leukaemia could offer hope for treating the most common type of breast cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

Identifying the drivers of breast cancer

Information on what causes breast cancer is sorely lacking, making early detection crucial. The sooner breast cancer is found, the greater the chance of treatment and cure.

Oncology & Cancer

Discovery opens door for breast, prostate cancer treatments

(Medical Xpress)—A team of Western Australian cancer researchers interested in the strong link between hormones and cancer have discovered three new molecules that may have an important role to play in future breast and ...

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