Medical research

A new defender for your sense of smell

New research from the Monell Center increases understanding of a mysterious sensory cell located in the olfactory epithelium, the patch of nasal tissue that contains odor-detecting olfactory receptor cells. The findings suggest ...


Scientists uncover new details in how sense of smell develops

Dogs, known for their extraordinarily keen senses of smell, can be trained to use their sensitive sniffers to find drugs, bombs, bed bugs, missing hikers and even cancer. Among dogs and other animals that rely on smell, at ...


Gene therapy restores sense of smell in mice

Re-expressing a protein critical for the detection and perception of odors restores function of the olfactory system in a genetic mouse model of lost hair-like cellular structures known as cilia, according to research published ...

Oncology & Cancer

Smell receptor fuels prostate cancer progression

When scientists first described the receptors responsible for our sense of smell, they naturally assumed that these chemical sensors resided exclusively in the lining of our noses.

Oncology & Cancer

Olfactory receptor as therapeutic target in bladder cancer

Researchers from Bochum have detected an olfactory receptor in the human bladder that might prove useful for bladder cancer therapy and diagnosis. Using cell culture studies, the team headed by Prof Dr Dr Dr habil Hanns Hatt ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Late, but not too late—screening for olfactory dysfunction

In a large population-based study of randomly selected participants in Germany, researchers found that participants aged 65-74 years with olfactory dysfunction showed impaired cognitive performance. Interestingly, this strong ...


A neuron can cause a domino effect

Loss of the sense of smell can indicate a neural disease like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. However, contrary to previous belief, degenerations in the nervous system do not play a leading role in the loss of the sense ...


Study tracks what moths think when they smell with their antennae

Think of an animal tracking a scent, and you may picture a bloodhound with its nose to the ground. But a moth fluttering through the air is likely smelling for clues, too. Pollinating insects like the hawkmoth track scents ...

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