Medical research

New drug offers hope in fight against mad cow disease

A new drug compound could lead to a breakthrough in the fight against bovine spongiform encephalopathy, the incurable brain-wasting disease also known as mad cow disease, researchers said Wednesday.

Medical research

Prion protein protects against epilepsy

In the most systematic and rigorous study conducted thus far in its field, the prion protein (PrPC) was clearly shown to play a role in preventing the onset of epileptic seizures. PrPC is perhaps best known in its 'degenerate' ...


Long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins

Research from Eric Kandel's lab at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) has uncovered further evidence of a system in the brain that persistently maintains memories for long periods of time. And paradoxically, it works ...

Medical research

Small loop in human prion protein prevents chronic wasting disease

Chronic wasting disease (CWD)—an infectious disease caused by prions—affects North American elk and deer, but has not been observed in humans. Using a mouse model that expresses an altered form of the normal human prion ...

Medical research

Researchers show environment can neutralize lethal proteins

Botching a few folds might transform an origami cow into a deer or sheep. When cellular proteins do the same, they can trigger fatal neurodegenerative diseases that turn the brains of these mammals into dysfunctional sponges.

Medical research

Here's how the prion protein protects us

The cellular prion protein (PrPC) has the ability to protect the brain's neurons. Although scientists have known about this protective physiological function for some time, they were lacking detailed knowledge of the molecular ...

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