
First to measure the concerted activity of a neuronal circuit

Neurobiologists from the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research have been the first to measure the concerted activity of a neuronal circuit in the retina as it extracts information about a moving object. With ...


China fines pharma firm $1.3 billion in vaccine scandal

Chinese authorities have slapped penalties totalling a whopping $1.3 billion on a pharmaceutical company over a vaccine scandal that fuelled public fears of domestically-made medicine, drug regulators said Tuesday.


New malaria vaccine results raise hopes of mass rollout

A booster dose of a new malaria vaccine maintains a high level of protection against the disease, researchers said Thursday, expressing hopes the cheap jab could be produced on a massive scale in a matter of years.


Antibodies are not required for immunity against some viruses

A new study turns the well established theory that antibodies are required for antiviral immunity upside down and reveals that an unexpected partnership between the specific and non-specific divisions of the immune system ...

Oncology & Cancer

Virus attacks childhood cancers

Researchers from Yale University are looking to a virus from the same family as the rabies virus to fight a form of cancer primarily found in children and young adults. They report their findings in the September 2011 issue ...

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