Medical research

Strict diet combats rare progeria aging disorders

Mice with a severe aging disease live three times longer if they eat thirty percent less. Moreover, they age much healthier than mice that eat as much as they want. These are findings of a joint study being published today ...


Finding a new way to manage infections

(Medical Xpress)—Waging an immunological war against a pathogen is not the body's only way to survive an infection. Sometimes tolerance, or learning to live with an invader, can be just as important. In tolerance the body ...

Medical research

Neural stem cells regenerate axons in severe spinal cord injury

In a study at the University of California, San Diego and VA San Diego Healthcare, researchers were able to regenerate "an astonishing degree" of axonal growth at the site of severe spinal cord injury in rats. Their research ...

Medical research

New study unravels mystery of a DNA repair process

(Medical Xpress) -- Scientists at the University of Sussex have uncovered the mechanism of a key process in DNA repair that helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as ataxia.

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