Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Mutating Ebola viruses not as scary as evolving ones

My social media accounts today are cluttered with stories about "mutating" Ebola viruses. The usually excellent ScienceAlert, for example, rather breathlessly informs us "The Ebola virus is mutating faster in humans than ...

Oncology & Cancer

Disrupting cell signals may lead to new cancer treatments

(Medical Xpress)—Scientists have taken a major step towards developing new treatments for certain cancers by disrupting the internal cellular signals that lead to the uncontrolled growth of cancerous cells.

Oncology & Cancer

Exposing hiding lymphoma cells to the immune system

A study led by the group of Didier Trono at EPFL has revealed a crucial survival tactic employed by cancer cells. The scientists have identified a group of proteins, known as "KRAB zinc finger proteins" (KZFPs), that help ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

High doses of antiviral drug may be effective against Ebola

High doses of favipiravir extended survival in non-human primates infected with Ebola virus, according to a new study published this week in PLOS Medicine by Jeremie Guedj of INSERM, France, and colleagues.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Using 'big data' to combat influenza

An international team of academic and pharmaceutical scientists have tapped into publically available large-scale 'Omics' databases to identify new targets to treat influenza—the virus that causes annual epidemics and occasional ...


Enlisting the AIDS virus to fight cancer

(Medical Xpress)—Can HIV be transformed into a biotechnological tool for improving human health? According to a CNRS team at the Architecture et Réactivité de l'ARN (RNA Architecture and Reactivity) laboratory, the answer ...

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