Psychology & Psychiatry

Nightmares are common but underreported in US military personnel

A new study shows that a high percentage of military personnel with sleep disturbances met criteria for nightmare disorder, but few of them reported nightmares as a reason for sleep evaluation. Those with nightmare disorder ...

Sleep disorders

Severe sleep apnea during REM sleep tied to acute CV events

(HealthDay)—Severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) that occurs during REM sleep is associated with recurrent cardiovascular events in those with pre-existing cardiovascular disease, according to a study published in the March ...


Sleep better, lose weight?

(HealthDay)—Sleeplessness could cost you when it's time to stand on your bathroom scale, a new British study suggests.


Get a better night's sleep

On Wednesday, the University Medicine Zurich research network presented its new flagship project SleepLoop. With this project, the researchers want to tackle one of the most widespread health challenges of our times – a ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Sleep problem linked to changes in hallmark Alzheimer's protein

Researchers in the US have found a link between the sleep disorder, obstructive sleep apnoea, and levels of a protein involved in Alzheimer's disease. Their findings are published today in the American Journal of Respiratory ...

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