
New method for finding disease-susceptibility genes

A new study has resulted in a novel statistical algorithm capable of identifying potential disease genes in a more accurate and cost-effective way. This algorithm is a possible approach for the identification of candidate ...


Natural barcodes enable better cell tracking

Each of us carries in our genomes about 10 million genetic variations called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which represent a difference of just one letter in the genetic code. Every human's pattern of SNPs is unique ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Genetic variations impacting empathy tied to psych issues

(HealthDay)—Genetic variations associated with empathy play a role in psychiatric conditions and traits, including schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa, and extraversion, according to a study published online March 11 in Translational ...


Tracking down genetic influences on brain disorders

New findings will help to identify the genetic causes of brain disorders: researchers at the Universities of Basel, Bonn and Cologne have presented a systematic catalog of specific variable locations in the genome that influence ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Genetic variation impacts pharmacokinetics of exemestane

(HealthDay)—The OATP1B1 c.521>C single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) influences exemestane pharmacokinetics in healthy postmenopausal women, according to a study published online July 29 in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy ...


The 16 genetic markers that can cut a life story short

The answer to how long each of us will live is partly encoded in our genome. Researchers have identified 16 genetic markers associated with a decreased lifespan, including 14 new to science. This is the largest set of markers ...

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