
Fear that uproar over gene-edited babies could block science

Scientists working on the frontiers of medicine fear the uproar over the reported births of gene-edited babies in China could jeopardize promising research into how to alter heredity to fend off a variety of disorders.

Medical research

Mutation may cause early loss of sperm supply

Brown University biologists have determined how the loss of a gene in male mice results in the premature exhaustion of their fertility. Their fundamental new insights into the complex process of sperm generation may have ...

Oncology & Cancer

Type of lymphoma treatment impacts degree of harm to sperm

(HealthDay)—Lymphoma treatment has damaging effects on spermatogenesis but, in most patients, sperm production recovers within two years post-treatment, according to a study published online July 17 in Fertility and Sterility.


Genetic advance for male birth control

When it comes to birth control, many males turn to two options: condoms or vasectomies. While the two choices are effective, both methods merely focus on blocking the transportation of sperm.

Medical research

Smaller eggs enhance IVF outcomes for male infertility in mice

A new approach for assisting reproduction in mice when sperm production is faulty has been demonstrated by researchers at RIKEN. It could eventually help human couples who are struggling to conceive by traditional in vitro ...


Butylparaben can have several endocrine disrupting effects

Research suggests that butylparaben – which is used in cosmetics and skin care products such as sunscreen – have more endocrine disrupting effects than previously thought. In a study from the National Food Institute, ...

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