Medical research

An 'EpiPen' for spinal cord injuries

An injection of nanoparticles can prevent the body's immune system from overreacting to trauma, potentially preventing some spinal cord injuries from resulting in paralysis.


Spinal cord injury affects the heart

Spinal cord injury affects the heart, that's what research published in Experimental Physiology and carried out by researchers from University of British Columbia, Canada has found.


Silk could be used to repair damaged spinal cords

Modified silk from Asian wild silkworms could be used in a strategy to repair damaged spinal cords, according to scientists from the universities of Aberdeen and Oxford.


New study offers hope of recovery from spinal cord injury

Spinal cord injury or damage causes permanent changes in strength, sensation and other body functions. Hope of recuperation is slim to none. Now a new Tel Aviv University study finds the intravenous injection of a potent ...


Nanoparticles limit damage in spinal cord injury

After a spinal cord injury, a significant amount of secondary nerve damage is caused by inflammation and internal scarring that inhibits the ability of the nervous system to repair itself.


Brain-computer-leg interface restores motion after stroke

Skoltech researchers have devised a novel method for leg rehabilitation after injury or stroke that uses a brain-computer interface and electrical stimulation of the spine delivered through the skin. Created by scientists ...

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