Oncology & Cancer

New cancer drug targets accelerate path to precision medicine

In one of the largest studies of its kind, researchers used CRISPR technology to disrupt every gene in over 300 cancer models from 30 cancer types and discover thousands of key genes essential for cancer's survival. The team, ...


Cocaine addiction: Phase-specific biology and treatment?

Current pharmacotherapies for addiction follow the dictum "one size fits all". Medications are prescribed in the same way for all patients, regardless of whether they have just started experimenting with a drug or have an ...

Oncology & Cancer

Depletion of 'traitor' immune cells slows cancer growth in mice

When a person has cancer, some of the cells in his or her body have changed and are growing uncontrollably. Most cancer drugs try to treat the disease by killing those fast-growing cells, but another approach called immunotherapy ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers identify key protein's role in cancer development

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC) have identified a key protein as the first dual-function co-regulator of an estrogen receptor that plays a crucial role in cancer development, opening the way to improved therapeutic ...

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