
Direct conversion of non-neuronal cells into nerve cells

In 2012, a team of scientists headed by Professor Benedikt Berninger first succeeded in reprogramming connective tissue cells present in the brain into neurons. Until now, however, it was completely unknown which intermediate ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers discover a new type of lung cancer

Researchers have discovered a new kind of small-cell lung cancer (SCLC). The discovery paves the way for developing personalized medicine approaches to target this previously unnoticed form of the disease.


How a thieving transcription factor dominates the genome

One powerful DNA-binding protein, the transcription factor PU.1, steals away other transcription factors and recruits them for its own purposes, effectively dominating gene regulation in developing immune cells, according ...


Researchers uncover origin of virus-fighting plasma B cells

Plasma B cells, which move through the body releasing antibodies, are an important component of the body's fight against viral infections and other invaders. They are relatively rare, however, and increasing their ranks is ...


Working together to unravel the immune system's secrets

As Associate Research Director, Professor Anne O'Garra helps to promote the Crick's collaborative vision, encouraging scientists from different disciplines to work together. But when it comes to her own research, does she ...


Epstein-Barr virus linked to seven serious diseases

A far-reaching study conducted by scientists at Cincinnati Children's reports that the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)—best known for causing mononucleosis—also increases the risks for some people of developing seven other major ...

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