Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Starving the bacterium that causes pneumonia

The invitations, decorations, candles and the cake – there's a lot to remember when you organise a birthday party for a five-year-old. One thing we thankfully take for granted in Australia is that our five-year-olds reach ...

Oncology & Cancer

New inhibitor blocks the oncogenic protein KRAS

One of the major goals in the development of anti-cancer treatments is to find an inhibitor effective against the oncogenic protein known as KRAS. Despite decades of active agent research, efforts to intercede in this protein's ...

Oncology & Cancer

Mapping of cancer cell fuel pumps paves the way for new drugs

For the first time, researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have managed to obtain detailed images of the way in which the transport protein GLUT transports sugars into cells. Since tumours are highly dependent on ...

Medical research

An 'unconventional' path to correcting cystic fibrosis

Researchers have identified an unconventional path that may correct the defect underlying cystic fibrosis, according to a report in the September 2nd issue of the journal Cell. This new treatment dramatically extends the ...

Medical research

New research sheds light 'gender gap' in cystic fibrosis

A minor hiccup in the sequence of a human gene can have devastating impacts on health. Such flaws cause cystic fibrosis (CF), a disease affecting the lungs and other vital organs, often leading to death by the age of 30.


New approach for treating ALS

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a neurodegenerative disease that primarily kills motor neurons, leading to paralysis and death 2 to 5 years from diagnosis. Currently ALS has no ...

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