
Better cognition seen with gene variant carried by one in five

A scientific team led by the Gladstone Institutes and UC San Francisco has discovered that a common form of a gene already associated with long life also improves learning and memory, a finding that could have implications ...


New study explains evolution of duplicate genes

From time to time, living cells will accidently make an extra copy of a gene during the normal replication process. Throughout the history of life, evolution has molded some of these seemingly superfluous genes into a source ...


The origin of twins

(Medical Xpress)—The egregious presumption of universal fact has a long history in science. The ever popular Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake in the year 1600 for crimes against the state; namely, declaring not only ...


3-D model links facial features and DNA

DNA can already tell us the sex and ancestry of unknown individuals, but now an international team of researchers is beginning to connect genetics with facial features, degrees of femininity and racial admixture.


Scientists explore safeguards for genomic data privacy

By now the general public has become aware that mobile phone applications, bank security systems and credit card databases are not immune to vulnerabilities; information thefts happen. Some computer scientists now say it's ...

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