
How genes shape personality traits: New links discovered

Your DNA has long been known to play a role in shaping your personality. Now, researchers at Yale School of Medicine (YSM) have taken another step in determining exactly how by identifying a number of new genetic sites associated ...

Oncology & Cancer

How the immune system fails as cancer arises

Cancer has been described as "a wound that does not heal," implying that the immune system is unable to wipe out invading tumor cells. A new discovery confirms that a key molecule can reprogram immune cells that normally ...


Study reveals how key protein affects neuron structure

A protein called torsinA plays a key role in the early development of neurons, determining where nuclear pores are placed in the membrane that encloses the nucleus of nerve cells, a study led by UT Southwestern Medical Center ...

Health informatics

Ehrapy: A new open-source tool for analyzing complex health data

Led by Helmholtz Munich, scientists have developed an accessible software solution specifically designed for the analysis of complex medical health data. The open-source software called "ehrapy" enables researchers to structure ...

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