
Proteins team up to turn on T cells

The fates of various cells in our bodies—whether they become skin or another type of tissue, for example—are controlled by genetic switches. In a new study, Caltech scientists investigate the switch for T cells, which ...

Oncology & Cancer

Synthetic biology approaches to improving immunotherapy

The AACR 2018 Meeting in Chicago is ending today and has featured the major new results in cancer treatment and immunotherapy treatments in particular. Immunotherapy, the use of the patient's own immune system to attack their ...


Flip of a single molecular switch makes an old brain young

The flip of a single molecular switch helps create the mature neuronal connections that allow the brain to bridge the gap between adolescent impressionability and adult stability. Now Yale School of Medicine researchers have ...

Oncology & Cancer

Physicists decode decision circuit of cancer metastasis

Cancer researchers from Rice University have deciphered the operating principles of a genetic switch that cancer cells use to decide when to metastasize and invade other parts of the body. The study found that the on-off ...


Scientists find way to predict and control gene expression

(Medical Xpress)—EPFL scientists have developed a "guide" that can be used to precisely predict the number of proteins a given gene will produce under varying conditions. This work will help biologists to engineer cells.

Medical research

Evolutionary conservation of fat metabolism pathways

By virtue of having survived, all animals-from flies to man-share a common expertise. All can distinguish times of plenty from famine and adjust their metabolism or behavior accordingly. Failure to do so signals either extinction ...

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