Archive: 21/06/2016
Male general practitioners more likely to consider heart disease a 'man's issue'
Male general practitioners (GPs) are more likely to consider heart disease a "man's issue" and neglect to assess cardiovascular risk in female patients, reports a study of 52 GPs and more than 2200 patients published today ...
Jun 21, 2016
NYC lawmakers pass a novel requirement for free tampons
New York City is on track to become the nation's first city to require free tampons and sanitary pads in public schools, homeless shelters and jails after lawmakers approved the idea Tuesday amid a national discussion of ...
Jun 21, 2016
Eliminating blood test may increase availability of donor hearts
A blood test that leads to the rejection of donor hearts may be unnecessary in predicting whether a heart transplant will succeed or fail, according to new research in Circulation: Heart Failure, an American Heart Association ...
Jun 21, 2016