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Oncology & Cancer news

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers show tumor evolution is written in the genome

Using a system of genetic barcodes and a novel single-cell sequencing method, a research team at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT-Italian Institute of Technology) in Milan has developed an approach to identify cells ...

Oncology & Cancer

Extrachromosomal DNA could be a target of future cancer therapies

Research published in Nature Genetics on Oct.14, by Yale Cancer Center researchers at Yale School of Medicine, found a higher concentration of a specific kind of DNA—extrachromosomal or ecDNA—in more aggressive and advanced ...

Oncology & Cancer

The importance of breast cancer screening

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in women across the U.S. And rates of the disease continue to climb, notably among younger women. A report from the American ...

Oncology & Cancer

Promising treatment for gastrointestinal stromal tumors

About 1,200 Germans are diagnosed with gastrointestinal stromal tumors every year—a rare type of cancer in which the tumors develop in the walls of the digestive organs and quickly develop resistance to common precision ...

Oncology & Cancer

Clinical trials confirm zolbetuximab's efficacy in gastric cancer

In Germany, around 17,000 people are diagnosed with gastric cancer every year. The disease is one of the leading causes of tumor-related deaths. This is due to late diagnosis and the rapid spread of tumor cells throughout ...

Oncology & Cancer

An AI-powered pipeline for personalized cancer vaccines

Ludwig Cancer Research scientists have developed a full, start-to-finish computational pipeline that integrates multiple molecular and genetic analyses of tumors and the specific molecular targets of T cells and harnesses ...

Medical research

Shape-shifting fat cells fuel breast cancer growth

Fat cells, or adipocytes, that grow in close proximity to breast cancers can shift into other cell types that promote tumor growth, a new study by UT Southwestern researchers suggests. The findings, published in Cell Reports, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Fourth SARS-CoV-2 vaccination also protects cancer patients

A research team led by Matthias Preusser from MedUni Vienna's Division of Oncology had already demonstrated that cancer patients benefit from a third vaccination to protect them against COVID. A recent study now also supports ...

Medical research

Experimental brain cancer drug fast tracked in clinical trials

An experimental drug being trialed for advanced solid tumors, including the most aggressive brain cancer—glioblastoma—has passed the first phase with flying colors, raising hopes for an effective new treatment.

Medical research

Awakening dormant cells to fight cancer

The advent of small-molecule targeted therapies, a decade ago, revolutionized the treatment of metastatic melanoma, provided that the tumors carry the mutations to respond to these treatments. However, despite a remarkable ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study illuminates precancerous 'clonal outgrowth' in blood cells

A common, spontaneous mutation in blood stem cells, which has been linked to higher risks of blood cancer and cardiovascular disease, may promote these diseases by altering the stem cells' programming of gene activity and ...

Oncology & Cancer

Accurate assessment of heart rhythm can optimize chemotherapy use

Using the wrong mathematical formula to assess heartbeat rhythms may lead oncologists to inappropriately stop life-saving chemotherapy, according to research findings from UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center scientists. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Killer T cells get better with age, study finds

The human immune system is a thing of wonder. Up until now it had been widely assumed that the ability of killer T cells to destroy tumor cells and pathogens would deteriorate with age. It turns out, however, that the opposite ...

Medical research

Researchers turn cancer cells into less harmful cell types

Cancer occurs when cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other organs in the body. Cancer cells differ from normal cells in many ways. One characteristic of cancer cells is their high adaptability to different environments ...