Oncology & Cancer

'Suffocating' cancer: Improved melanoma immunotherapy

Hypoxia, or the inadequate oxygenation of a tissue, is a condition occurring frequently in all solid tumors such as melanoma skin cancer. Melanoma cells are not only able to survive oxygen deprivation, but also to use it ...

Oncology & Cancer

Changing the standard of care for stage III melanoma surgery

For years, surgery for patients with stage III melanoma—melanoma that has spread to the lymph nodes—involved removing those lymph nodes along with the primary tumor. Known as completion lymph node dissection (CLND), the ...

Oncology & Cancer

Loss of cilia leads to melanoma

Most cells in the human body have a cilium, a slender cell protuberance that picks up signals from the cell's external environment. Researchers at the University of Zurich have now shown that these fine sensory antennae play ...

Oncology & Cancer

Good-guy bacteria may help cancer immunotherapies do their job

Individuals with certain types of bacteria in their gut may be more likely to respond well to cancer immunotherapy, researchers at the Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center found in a study of patients with metastatic ...

Oncology & Cancer

Blood test for deadly eye melanoma

A simple blood test could soon become the latest monitoring tool for the early detection of melanoma in the eye.

Oncology & Cancer

Using Viagra to combat malignant melanoma

Many tumors cause chronic inflammations, which, in their turn, suppress specific attacks against the tumor by the immune system. Scientists at the German Cancer Research Center and Medical Faculty Mannheim at Heidelberg University ...

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