Oncology & Cancer

Lack of RNA 'editing' leads to melanoma growth and metastasis

The importance of RNA editing in melanoma has been demonstrated by scientists at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. The study revealed that a lack of RNA editing, a process by which information inside RNA ...

Oncology & Cancer

Suppressing a protein reduces cancer spread in mice

Scientists have found that decreasing the levels of or blocking a specific protein commonly found in humans and many other animals allowed them to slow the spread of two different kinds of cancer to the lungs of mice. The ...

Medical research

First human clinical trial of 'C dots' highlights their safety

(Medical Xpress)—Nanoparticles designed to adhere to and light up cancer cells have reached a major milestone in their bench-to-bedside journey. A first clinical trial of these ultrasmall, multifunctional particles has ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers discover how 'wriggling' skin cells go on the move

(Medical Xpress)—Scientists at the Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, The University of Manchester and King's College London have discovered a new way that melanoma skin cancer cells can invade healthy tissue and ...

Oncology & Cancer

New therapy wipes out cervical cancer in two women

Aricca Wallace knew she was nearly out of time. For more than three years, she had suffered cramping and irregular bleeding, which her doctor thought was a side effect of her birth control implant, known as an intrauterine ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists find new way to combat drug resistance in skin cancer

Rapid resistance to vemurafenib – a treatment for a type of advanced melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer – could be prevented by blocking a druggable family of proteins, according to research published in Nature ...

Oncology & Cancer

Drug is identified that could block the spread of melanoma

(Medical Xpress)—Cancer is at its most curable when it's caught before it spreads. That's especially true in the case of melanoma, where survival rates can be as high as 97 percent when caught early—and as low as 15 percent ...

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