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Genetics news


Scientists discover how mutations affect calcium release channel and impact muscle disorders

The type 1 ryanodine receptor (RyR1) is an important calcium release channel in skeletal muscles essential for muscle contraction. It mediates calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, a calcium-storing organelle in ...


Why some organs age faster than others: Scientists discover hidden mutations in non-coding DNA

The accumulation of mutations in DNA is often mentioned as an explanation for the aging process, but it remains just one hypothesis among many. A team from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), in collaboration with the Inselspital, ...


Gene variant protects newborns against jaundice, study finds

Researchers have found a gene variant that almost completely protects 1 in 8 newborn babies from jaundice. The research, conducted at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, provides the opportunity to develop a treatment ...

Oncology & Cancer

New tumor models provide insights into deadly sarcomas

Sarcomas are highly metastatic soft tissue and bone cancers and are often difficult to treat. Scientists have had trouble studying these cancers because they have lacked good research models. But that may be changing, thanks ...


Researchers discover new blood group system

The discovery of a new blood group, MAL, has solved a 50-year-old mystery. Researchers from NHS Blood and Transplant (Bristol), NHSBT's International Blood Group Reference Laboratory (IBGRL) and the University of Bristol ...


How genes shape personality traits: New links discovered

Your DNA has long been known to play a role in shaping your personality. Now, researchers at Yale School of Medicine (YSM) have taken another step in determining exactly how by identifying a number of new genetic sites associated ...


Study reveals how key protein affects neuron structure

A protein called torsinA plays a key role in the early development of neurons, determining where nuclear pores are placed in the membrane that encloses the nucleus of nerve cells, a study led by UT Southwestern Medical Center ...


Risk gene for bipolar disorder decoded

The risk gene adenylyl cyclase 2 is associated with bipolar disorder, as has been repeatedly confirmed in genome-wide association studies. However, until now there has not been any proof of a causal relationship.


Gene therapy gets a turbo boost from researchers

For decades, scientists have dreamed of a future where genetic diseases, such as the blood clotting disorder hemophilia, could be a thing of the past. Gene therapy, the idea of fixing faulty genes with healthy ones, has held ...


Human endometrial map uncovers hidden health clues

The most comprehensive map of the human endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus, has been created, uncovering diverse cell types and detailing the dynamic changes these go through during the menstrual cycle.


Epigenetics blood markers can help understand dementia risk

Recent research suggests that epigenetic markers in the blood could be useful for understanding dementia risk. Two linked papers from the University of Exeter and Maastricht University have together progressed research to ...

Oncology & Cancer

New prognostic biomarker identified in small cell lung cancer

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is a fast-growing and highly malignant subtype of lung cancer. One of the biggest challenges doctors face is the cancer's resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy, the standard treatment for ...