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Genetics news

Oncology & Cancer

Genetic mutations in HRAS, KRAS genes linked to childhood cancers

Hereditary changes in genes are often the cause of rare diseases. For example, disease-causing gene variants (PVs) in the HRAS gene cause Costello syndrome and PVs in the KRAS gene cause Noonan syndrome and cardio-facio-cutaneous ...


The gut microbiome can influence hormone levels, mouse study shows

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute have shown that the balance of bacteria in the gut can influence symptoms of hypopituitarism in mice. They also showed that aspirin was able to improve hormone deficiency symptoms ...

Medical research

Key molecular targets for wound healing identified

Novel research, presented today at the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) Congress 2024, has identified key molecular targets that could significantly enhance the healing of both acute and chronic wounds.

Oncology & Cancer

Analytical tool quantifies cancer's ability to shape-shift

A powerful new analytical tool offers a closer look at how tumor cells "shape-shift" to become more aggressive and untreatable, as shown in a study by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine and the New York Genome Center.


Human and other primate hearts differ genetically, says study

A team at the Hübner and Diecke Labs at the Max Delbrück Center has shown how human and non-human primate hearts differ genetically. The study, published in Nature Cardiovascular Research, reveals evolutionary adaptations ...


Scientists call for human genome research reset

Scientists are calling for human genomic research to be vastly expanded and widened to include many more people so it can fully deliver on its promise of becoming a tool for improved health care for all of humanity.


DNA fragments help detect kidney organ rejection

Findings from a study published in Nature Medicine show that donor-derived cell-free DNA (dd-cfDNA), also called liquid biopsy, has the potential for early detection of kidney transplant rejection.


Gene behind rare muscle disease discovered

Researchers at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research and The University of Western Australia (UWA) have discovered the genetic cause of a rare muscle disease that causes muscle weakness, droopy eyelids and difficulty ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study finds noncoding RNAs dysregulated in several human cancers

Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered new insights into the production and regulation of a class of noncoding RNAs and how alterations in their signatures diversify and modulate the transcriptome of three major ...


Researchers highlight the genetic complexity of schizophrenia

Patrick Sullivan, MD, FRANZCP, the Yeargan Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Genetics at the UNC School of Medicine, and researchers at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, have developed a comprehensive ...

Oncology & Cancer

Circular RNAs—the new frontier in cancer research

Unraveling the complexities of circular RNAs (circRNAs) in cancer biology has positioned scientists on the cusp of revolutionary breakthroughs in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

Targeted therapy extends survival in cancers of unknown primary

If metastases occur in the body, but the original tumor remains undetectable, this is referred to as "cancer of unknown primary" (CUP). But if information on the tissue of origin is missing, neither organ-specific chemotherapy ...