American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


The paleo diet: Fad or not so fad?

(HealthDay)—The so-called "Paleo" diet, which cuts out a number of food groups to bring about weight loss, has been around for several years now and at first blush may sound like just another fad.


High omega-6 levels can protect against premature death

Could omega-6 fatty acids protect you against premature death? The answer is yes, according to a new University of Eastern Finland study. While protecting against death, omega-6 fatty acids also keep cardiovascular diseases ...

Overweight & Obesity

To improve self-control, call weight loss what it is: Difficult

To reach your New Year's fitness goals, a bit of reverse psychology might be in order. Telling people that weight loss is extremely challenging—rather than imparting a "You can do it!" mantra—motivated them to shed more ...

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