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Oncology & Cancer

Study finds estrogens play a hidden role in cancers, inhibiting a key immune cell

Estrogens are known to drive tumor growth in breast cancer cells that carry its receptors, but a new study by Duke Cancer Institute researchers unexpectedly finds that estrogens play a role in fueling the growth of breast ...


Two studies find SARS-CoV-2 virus becoming resistant to antiviral drugs used to treat patients

Two studies have found that the virus that causes COVID-19 is becoming resistant to two drugs used to treat patients with infections.

Medical research news

Radiology & Imaging

Exploring how melanin influences clinical oxygen measurements

Obtaining accurate clinical measurements is essential for diagnosing and treating a wide range of health conditions. Regrettably, the impact of skin type and pigmentation is not equally considered in the design and calibration ...


Circadian rhythm disruption linked to lung inflammation

In a study published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology, researchers at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center for Sleep, Circadian and Neuroscience research have explored the effects of circadian rhythm disruption ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

New treatment extends ovarian function in older mice

A woman's ovaries are like a factory where eggs grow and produce hormones that regulate everything from menstruation and pregnancy to bone density and mood. As she and her factory age, production dwindles, and by the time ...

Medical research

Brown fat: How cells generate heat by burning calories

Special fat cells known as brown adipocytes help maintain body temperature by converting calorie-rich nutrients into heat. This protects us from gaining excess weight and from metabolic disorders.

Overweight & Obesity

New study links neighborhood food access to child obesity risk

Limited access to healthy foods, resulting from residence in under-resourced neighborhoods, is a critical public health concern. A new study suggests that residing in these areas during pregnancy or early childhood significantly ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Using machine learning to uncover predictors of well-being

Irrespective of their personal, professional and social circumstances, different individuals can experience varying levels of life satisfaction, fulfillment and happiness. This general measure of life satisfaction, broadly ...