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Understanding changes in pre-clinical Alzheimer's disease: Study finds two proteins impact brain activity differently

Amyloid-beta and tau proteins have long been associated with Alzheimer's disease. The pathological buildup of these proteins leads to cognitive decline in people with the disease. How it does that, though, remains poorly ...


Scientists discover how mutations affect calcium release channel and impact muscle disorders

The type 1 ryanodine receptor (RyR1) is an important calcium release channel in skeletal muscles essential for muscle contraction. It mediates calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, a calcium-storing organelle in ...

Medical research news

Psychology & Psychiatry

Surprising sounds could cause riskier decision-making

When you make a decision, certain neurons in your brain emit short bursts of the neurotransmitter dopamine. A new Yale study shows that when other factors wholly unrelated to the decision at hand—such as an unexpected sound—trigger ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

COVID-19 rates oscillate every six months in the US, new study shows

COVID-19 cases in the U.S. have shown unexpected oscillating waves every six months between the southern states and the northern states and, to a lesser degree, from east to west, according to research published in Scientific ...


Study shows the brain divides a meal into different phases

The process of food intake appears to be organized at the cellular level like a relay race: during eating, the baton is passed between different teams of neurons until we have consumed the appropriate amount of energy. This ...


Gene variant protects newborns against jaundice, study finds

Researchers have found a gene variant that almost completely protects 1 in 8 newborn babies from jaundice. The research, conducted at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, provides the opportunity to develop a treatment ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Using machine learning to uncover predictors of well-being

Irrespective of their personal, professional and social circumstances, different individuals can experience varying levels of life satisfaction, fulfillment and happiness. This general measure of life satisfaction, broadly ...

Medical research

Metformin found to reduce organ aging in male monkeys

A team of biologists affiliated with multiple institutions in China, working with a colleague in the U.S., has found that giving cynomolgus monkeys the diabetes drug metformin can reduce aging in multiple organs, including ...


Swallowing triggers a release of serotonin, research reveals

Researchers at the University of Bonn and the University of Cambridge have identified an important control circuit involved in the eating process. The study has revealed that fly larvae have special sensors, or receptors, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Neoself-antigens found to induce autoimmune response in lupus

Autoimmune diseases are widespread and notoriously difficult to treat. In part, this is because why the immune system attacks its own tissues in patients with these conditions remains poorly understood.