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Device offers first affordable, portable method for differentiating stroke risk based on physiological conditions

When physicians want to know more about a patient's risk of cardiovascular disease, they can order a cardiac stress test. But when it comes to risk of stroke, there is no equivalent scalable and cost-effective test of the ...


Patient with type 1 diabetes functionally cured using stem cell injections

A team of medical researchers affiliated with a large number of institutions in China has functionally cured a female patient with type 1 diabetes by injecting her with programmed stem cells.

Medical research news

Inflammatory disorders

Thaumatin, a natural sweetener with anti-inflammatory potential

A new study by the Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich shows for the first time that bitter tasting protein fragments (peptides) are produced in the stomach during the digestion ...

Medical research

Giving the peptide ACBP to anorexic mice stimulates eating

A large, multi-institutional team of medical researchers reports that giving anorexic mice the peptide ACBP stimulated eating. In their paper published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, the group describes their ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Sick days: Assessing the economic costs of long COVID

A new Yale study finds that the effects of long COVID have caused many Americans to miss extensive work time, and that 14% of study participants reported not returning to work in the months after their infection.


Navigating the future: Brain cells that plan where to go

Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS) in Japan have discovered a region of the brain that encodes where an animal is planning to be in the near future. Linked to internal maps of spatial locations and ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Leishmania strain in Brazil shows resistance to key drugs

Researchers in Brazil who analyzed samples from a 46-year-old patient in the Northeast state of Maranhão found an amphotericin B-resistant strain of the parasite Leishmania amazonensis circulating for the first time in the ...