Page 2 - Cornell Food & Brand Lab


Nudging health in food pantries

Grocery stores and cafeterias successfully nudge selection of target foods, but can this same strategy be used to encourage food pantry clients to select target healthful foods? In a new study published in the Journal of ...


How depictions on cake mix boxes can lead us to overeat

When estimating portion size, we may be more influenced by food images on the packaging than by the listed serving size leading us to serve more than is recommended. When additional food items are depicted on packages—such ...


Cluttered kitchens cause over-snacking

Cluttered and chaotic environments can cause stress, which can lead us to grab more of the indulgent snacks— twice as many cookies according to this new study!


How food-related warnings backfire among dieters

We have all seen messages from the "food police" telling us that sugary snacks are bad. But is it possible that seeing these messages actually make us more likely to eat sugary snacks? Researchers at Arizona State University, ...

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