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Psychology & Psychiatry news

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain scan study shows what happens in the brain when a person with schizophrenia hears voices

Auditory hallucinations are likely the result of abnormalities in two brain processes: a "broken" corollary discharge that fails to suppress self-generated sounds, and a "noisy" efference copy that makes the brain hear these ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Our brains divide the day into chapters: Psychology research offers details on how

The moment a person steps off the street and into a restaurant—to take just one example—the brain mentally starts a new "chapter" of the day, a change that causes a big shift in brain activity. Shifts like this happen ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Trauma takes its toll at the end of life, study reveals

Repeating a school year, experiencing parental abuse or engaging in armed combat have far-reaching effects on the mind and body that may extend to a person's last months. These traumatic experiences can worsen the pain, depression ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dementia diagnostic markers shown to change with time of day

The time of day when blood is taken can affect the results of tests for diagnosing dementia, according to new research led by the University of Surrey. The study has been published in Translational Psychiatry.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Eyes on the fries: How vision creates a food trend

Research at the University of Sydney has revealed that we don't judge food simply on its merits but are influenced by what we have seen beforehand, a cascading phenomenon known as "serial dependence."

Psychology & Psychiatry

Online insomnia treatment aids caregivers in need of rest

Providing care for a family member with a disabling illness can be a demanding job that leaves many people unable to sleep, but an online insomnia treatment developed at the University of Virginia School of Medicine can help, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A third of Swedish cheerleaders tell of psychological abuse

Of current and former Swedish cheerleading athletes, 29% reported being subjected to psychological abuse in the sport, according to a new study from Linköping University, Sweden. The study shows that dissatisfaction with ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Exploring how the human brain takes stock of blame

The human mind does not like to make mistakes—and makes time to avoid repeating them. A new study from University of Iowa researchers shows how the human brain, in just one second, can distinguish between an outcome caused ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain imaging identifies biomarkers of mental illness

Research and treatment of psychiatric disorders are stymied by a lack of biomarkers—objective biological or physiological markers that can help diagnose, track, predict, and treat diseases. In a new study, researchers use ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Extensive analysis shows link between mental and physical health

New research, led by Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in collaboration with the University of Cambridge's Biomedical Research Centre, involved an extensive analysis of 19 different studies, encompassing data from 194,123 psychiatric ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Small acts of kindness make most Americans feel better, poll finds

As the holiday season approaches, most Americans say that small acts of kindness make them feel better, and that is true for both giving and receiving those acts. And acts of kindness were happening: in the past three months, ...

Medical research

Study looks at ties between anxiety and gut bacteria

Interactions among microorganisms within the human gut may be associated with increased anxiety levels in people with depression, according to research led by UT Southwestern Medical Center.