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Medical research news

Medical research

Researchers map carbon footprint of cardiac patients, from hospital admission to discharge

Health care is a leading contributor to the world's carbon footprint. New analysis on the environmental impact of two common heart procedures shows it is possible to make changes within cardiac care, without compromising ...

Medical research

Blood stem cell research could transform bone marrow transplants

Melbourne researchers have made a world first breakthrough in creating blood stem cells that closely resemble those in the human body. And the discovery could soon lead to personalized treatments for children with leukemia ...

Medical research

Ultrasound device shows promise for treating chronic pain

Pain is a necessary biological signal, but a variety of conditions can cause those signals to go awry. For people with chronic pain, the root is often faulty signals emerging deep within the brain, giving false alarms about ...

Medical research

Review highlights advances in kidney cancer research and care

New insights into the biology of kidney cancer, including those informed by scientific discoveries that earned a Nobel Prize, have led to advances in treatment and increased survival rates, according to a review by UNC Lineberger ...

Medical research

Key discovery advances fight to reduce breast cancer recurrence

In looking for new ways to fight breast cancer, scientists from Duke-NUS Medical School have unmasked a surprising role of a protein generally associated with cancer growth. They have discovered that in estrogen receptor-positive ...

Medical research

Blocking sphingolipids counteracts muscular dystrophy

EPFL scientists have made the first link between muscular dystrophy and a group of bioactive fats, the sphingolipids, which are involved in numerous cell functions and other diseases.

Medical research

Simple and reliable ALS diagnosis with blood tests

Blood tests may enable more accurate diagnosis of ALS at an earlier stage of the disease. As described in a study by researchers at University of Gothenburg and Umeå University, it involves measuring the blood level of a ...

Medical research

Researchers regrow frog's lost leg

For millions of patients who have lost limbs for reasons ranging from diabetes to trauma, the possibility of regaining function through natural regeneration remains out of reach. Regrowth of legs and arms remains the province ...

Medical research

Gene expression could ring early kidney disease alarm

Biomedical engineers at Duke University have developed a method to study how key cells in the kidneys become injured and deformed. The new model has revealed a significant mechanism behind severe kidney disease and pointed ...

Medical research

Rapid eye movement sleep helps protect against predator attack

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep brings about brief but periodic awakenings. In 1966, Dr. Frederick Snyder reported the "sentinel" function of REM could help animals prepare a fight or flight response against potential predator ...

Medical research

One in four people who had COVID-19 symptoms do not test

Research found older age groups were most likely to not recognize they had a key symptom that qualified for a COVID-19 test. These symptoms are fever, cough, or change or loss of smell/taste. The findings suggest there is ...

Medical research

Supplement appears to boost muscle, mitochondria health

An oral supplement intended to stimulate a natural body process appears to promote muscle endurance and mitochondrial health in humans. New research suggests that the supplement, urolithin A, may help improve or prolong muscle ...