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Medical research news

Medical research

World-first international guidelines weeds-out potentially critical scientific fraud

The number of retractions issued for scientific research articles in 2023 exceeded 10,000—smashing annual records. To date, publishers have struggled to clean up a slew of papers with serious integrity concerns.

Medical research

A treatment for metastasis? Using ferroptosis to attack migrating cancer cells

A treatment for metastatic cancer—researchers at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), the University of Innsbruck, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Universität Würzburg have now ...

Medical research

Protein droplets likely don't cause Parkinson's, study suggests

Liquid-liquid phase separation is not a precursor to formation of amyloid fibrils, a pathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease, shows a recent study. Rather, the formation of protein into liquid droplets may help to dissolve ...

Medical research

C. elegans study finds mRNA balance in cells influences lifespan

Why do some people live for longer than others? The genes in our DNA sequence are important, helping avoid disease or maintain general health, but differences in our genome sequence alone explain less than 30% of the natural ...

Medical research

Gut bacteria might discourage binge drinking

Binge drinking significantly increases the risk of alcohol addiction. In a study published in Microbiome on June 17, a team led by University of Connecticut School of Medicine researchers reports that valeric acid, a substance ...

Medical research

Study finds link between genetics and coffee intake

It's 9 a.m. and coffee shops are bustling with the line for the drive-thru wrapped around the building. This is a common occurrence around the globe as coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages.