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Medical research news

Medical research

Study highlights association between urinary and vaginal pathogenic E. coli in recurrent cystitis

The human body hosts a diverse array of microorganisms that maintain a delicate balance crucial for overall health. This microbial harmony can be disrupted by factors such as infections, aging, and hormonal changes, leading ...

Medical research

Detection of minimal hepatic encephalopathy in patients with cirrhosis based on the Stroop-CN model

A paper published in MedComm presented a Chinese EncephalApp diagnosis model (Stroop-CN) based on healthy controls distributed throughout the country and covering different demographic information.

Medical research

Study finds tumor growth fueled by nucleotide salvage

Cancer cells salvage purine nucleotides to fuel tumor growth, including purines in foods we eat, an important discovery with implications for cancer therapies from research by Children's Medical Center Research Institute ...

Medical research

Protein droplets likely don't cause Parkinson's, study suggests

Liquid-liquid phase separation is not a precursor to formation of amyloid fibrils, a pathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease, shows a recent study. Rather, the formation of protein into liquid droplets may help to dissolve ...

Medical research

Atopic dermatitis: Viruses discovered as new therapy option

Up to 15% of children and 5% of adults are affected by the chronic inflammatory skin disease atopic dermatitis. Despite advanced therapy measures, the severe itching and eczema, especially on the elbows or knees, cause great ...

Medical research

Zebrafish study reveals cause of altered human facial development

Some substances in medicines, household items and the environment are known to affect prenatal child development. In a study published in Toxicological Sciences, researchers tested the effects of five drugs (including caffeine ...

Medical research

Is the first cure for advanced rabies near?

Rabies virus is incurable and almost always fatal once it has invaded the central nervous system, with the victim doomed to suffer a horrible death.

Medical research

Brief dialysis may be best for some kidney patients

Patients with acute kidney injury requiring outpatient dialysis after hospital discharge receive the same care as those with the more common end-stage kidney disease, according to a study led by UC San Francisco.

Medical research

Vagus nerve active during exercise, research finds

The vagus nerve, known for its role in 'resting and digesting,' has now been found to have an important role in exercise, helping the heart pump blood, which delivers oxygen around the body.

Medical research

Research reveals why our skin feels 'tight' after washing

When we wash our face with a cleanser, our skin can start to feel tight. With the application of a favorite moisturizer, that feeling often goes away. This perception of our skin might seem subjective, but researchers at ...

Medical research

Brain implants could restore paralyzed patients' arm movements

A paralyzed Swiss man has become the first person to test a new technology that reads his thoughts using AI and then transmits signals through his own nervous system to his arms, hands and fingers in order to restore movement.

Medical research

Compression of cancer cells is a double-edged sword, study finds

Adhering closely to Darwin's theory of evolution, tumors need to adapt to environmental changes to survive. A new study shows that one of those changes—the compression of cells—can both help and hinder the progression ...

Medical research

New research reveals gut microbiota link to colitis

A study conducted by Jun Sun's research team at the University of Illinois Chicago has revealed a new and critical role of Axin1 in regulating intestinal epithelial development and microbial homeostasis. The research, titled ...