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Medical research news

Medical research

A treatment for metastasis? Using ferroptosis to attack migrating cancer cells

A treatment for metastatic cancer—researchers at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), the University of Innsbruck, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Universität Würzburg have now ...

Medical research

World-first international guidelines weeds-out potentially critical scientific fraud

The number of retractions issued for scientific research articles in 2023 exceeded 10,000—smashing annual records. To date, publishers have struggled to clean up a slew of papers with serious integrity concerns.

Medical research

Protein droplets likely don't cause Parkinson's, study suggests

Liquid-liquid phase separation is not a precursor to formation of amyloid fibrils, a pathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease, shows a recent study. Rather, the formation of protein into liquid droplets may help to dissolve ...

Medical research

Skin models as an alternative to animal testing

Animal testing has long been a fixture of medical and pharmaceutical research, but alternative methods are growing more and more important. Innovative methods allow for research aimed directly at humans—without using animal ...

Medical research

Tackling the hurdle of tumor formation in stem cell therapies

Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) are a type of stem cell capable of developing into various cell types. Over the past few decades, scientists have been working towards the development of therapies using PSCs. Thanks to their ...

Medical research

Radio waves from mobile phones do not affect cognition: Study

A World Health Organization-commissioned systematic review finds that radio wave exposure from mobile phones does not affect learning, memory, attention span and other cognitive functions like coordination. The work is published ...

Medical research

Clinical trials: A significant part of cancer care

A cancer diagnosis is an emotional experience. Learning that you have cancer can create feelings of hopelessness, fear and sadness. This is especially true if your cancer is advanced or available treatments are unable to ...

Medical research

Blood flow makes waves across the surface of the mouse brain

Researchers have, for the first time, visualized the full network of blood vessels across the cortex of awake mice, finding that blood vessels rhythmically expand and contract, leading to "waves" washing across the surface ...