Oncology & Cancer

New drug target discovered for aggressive form of prostate cancer

Scientists have discovered that a protein linked to prostate cancer is associated with more aggressive disease—it could be a new target for treatment and be used to help predict who will become resistant to hormone therapy.


Master copper regulator discovery may offer Alzheimer's clues

New therapeutic opportunities often emerge from research on simple organisms. For instance, the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier, Ph.D., and Jennifer Doudna, Ph.D., for their CRISPR-based DNA ...


New brain organoid model replicates human cortical domains

The group of Jürgen Knoblich at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, has developed a new method that allows scientists to cultivate brain organoids with distinct cortical areas ...

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