Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds OCD patients' decision making mirrors general population

Although obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) can be treated, research has shown that people with the disorder tend to have a lower quality of life than neurotypical people. Many struggle to achieve the same levels of education ...

Medical research

Mapping the brain's self-healing abilities after stroke

A new study by researchers at the Department of Molecular Medicine at SDU sheds light on one of the most severe consequences of stroke: damage to the brain's "cables"—the so-called nerve fibers—which leads to permanent ...


Doctors test a new way to help people quit fentanyl 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, when fentanyl overdoses surged, doctors were desperate to find ways of helping their patients. They knew that buprenorphine could help people stop using opioids, but it was much harder to start ...

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