
Genes linked to death from sepsis identified in mice

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body's immune response to infection spirals out of control. Bacteria in the bloodstream trigger immune cells to release powerful molecules called cytokines to quickly ...

Medical research

A new pathway for an anti-aging drug

In 1972, Easter Island, called Rapa Nui, famous for its moai statues, offered a new wonder: the discovery of the drug rapamycin.

Oncology & Cancer

Autophagy in dendritic cells helps anticancer activity

Autophagy contributes to the homeostasis of a cell and recently another function of autophagy has been reported. A KAIST research team found that the autophagy of dendritic cells supports T-cell anticancer activity.


Salmonella could be combated by enhancing body's natural process

Autophagy – the process of recycling cellular material in the body, can help combat Salmonella and other pathogens according to researchers at the School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick who have studied how autophagy ...

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