
Startle disease: Further key gene variants discovered

Research funded by children's charity Action Medical Research has uncovered new gene variants in startle disease, a rare condition in newborn babies. Understanding the genetic causes should lead to new genetic tests and is ...

Medical research

Discovery of novel gene solves mystery of scar formation

(Medical Xpress)—The study, in a South African-British-French collaboration which led to the discovery of the little-known novel gene called FAM111B, brings hope to millions of families across the world who pass on this ...


Disease gene discovered for frequent epilepsy in childhood

More than 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy, with a third of these being children. The most common forms of epilepsy in children occur without any apparent trigger and only affect certain regions of the brain. This ...


New genome-editing strategy could lead to therapeutics

Researchers at UMass Medical School have developed a genome-editing strategy to correct disease-causing DNA mutations in mouse models of human genetic diseases, according to research published in the Aug. 18 edition of Nature ...

Medical research

New research sheds light on childhood neuromuscular disease

A study by scientists at the Motor Neuron Center at Columbia University Medical Center suggests that spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a genetic neuromuscular disease in infants and children, results primarily from problems ...

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