Medical research

Cause of heart arrhythmia discovered using X-rays at CLS

Using powerful X-rays at the Canadian Light Source synchrotron, scientists have reconstructed the scenario of heart arrhythmia in action, making critical progress towards preventing deadly conditions and saving lives.


Researcher advancing motor neuron studies

A University of Connecticut researcher is advancing the understanding of the devastating inherited condition known as spinal muscular atrophy.


Overlooked ugly cholesterol causes heart disease

The risk of ischaemic heart disease – a disease affecting some 150,000 Danes – is three times higher in persons with high levels of the so-called 'ugly' cholesterol. This is the finding of a new study of 73,000 Danes, ...

Medical research

Stem-cell approach shows promise for Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Researchers have shown that transplanting stem cells derived from normal mouse blood vessels into the hearts of mice that model the pathology associated with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) prevents the decrease in heart ...

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