Medical research

Defense against joint degeneration

During cartilage development, chondrocytes secrete the extracellular matrix (ECM) and embed within the same environment. During progressive joint disease, such as osteoarthritis (OA), dysregulation of the process can lead ...

Oncology & Cancer

Neuronal molecule makes prostate cancer more aggressive

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death among American men. Now, researchers have discovered key molecular players that drive prostate cancer to progress into a highly ...

Medical research

'Off-road' mode enables mobile cells to move freely

Leukocytes instantly move out of your blood vessels to the site of inflammation after an injury. Similarly, cancer cells, which can originate in any tissue or organ, can also spread and reproduce far away from their place ...

Oncology & Cancer

Missing molecule hobbles cell movement

Cells missing a certain protein on their surface can't move normally, UConn researchers report in Science Signaling. The research could give insight into how cells move and repair wounds in normal tissue, as well as how cancer ...


Researchers discover how sleep can fight infection

Researchers in Germany have discovered why sleep can sometimes be the best medicine. Sleep improves the potential ability of some of the body's immune cells to attach to their targets, according to a new study that will be ...


Fever alters immune cells so they can better reach infections

Fever is known to help power up our immune cells, and scientists in Shanghai have new evidence explaining how. They found in mice that fever alters surface proteins on immune cells like lymphocytes to make them better able ...

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