Oncology & Cancer

Smaller surgical procedure sufficient for high-risk melanoma

(Medical Xpress) -- A smaller surgical procedure is fully sufficient to treat patients with the more hazardous form of malignant melanoma of the skin. This according to a major international multicentre study, coordinated ...

Oncology & Cancer

High response rate in phase I/II paediatric brain cancer trial

A high response rate with a single drug in a phase I/II trial of paediatric brain tumour has set the stage for combination therapy with higher response and lower toxicity, researchers reported at the ESMO 2016 Congress in ...

Oncology & Cancer

Simplified boron compound may treat brain tumours

Effective and targeted uptake among malignant cells demonstrates the promise of a simplified boron compound for neutron radiation therapy, report researchers at Okayama University and Kinki University.


Careless cancer cells may be susceptible to future drugs

Could the ability of cancer cells to quickly alter their genome be used as a weapon against malignant tumors? Researchers at Uppsala University have developed a substance that has demonstrated promising results in experiments ...

Oncology & Cancer

Looking for ways to measure tumour aggression

Researchers at University Putra Malaysia found a relationship between some markers of inflammation in the body and the aggressiveness of certain malignant tumours.

Oncology & Cancer

Epigenetic causes of prostate cancer

(Medical Xpress)—In about half of all prostate tumours, there are two genetic areas that are fused with one another. When this is not the case, the exact way cancer cells originate in prostate tumours was not clear until ...

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