Medical research

Search for epigenetic decoder leads scientists to Rett Syndrome

(Medical Xpress)—A few years ago, scientists discovered an unexpected layer of information woven into the genetic code – a nucleotide called 5-hydroxymethylcytosine, or 5hmC. Its meaning was unknown at the time, but a ...


Uncovering the genome's regulatory code

Since the sequencing of the human genome in 2001, all our genes – around 20,000 in total – have been identified. But much is still unknown – for instance where and when each is active. Next to each gene sits a short ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Gene regulator in brain's executive hub tracked across lifespan

For the first time, scientists have tracked the activity, across the lifespan, of an environmentally responsive regulatory mechanism that turns genes on and off in the brain's executive hub. Among key findings of the study ...


Research sheds new light on heritability of disease

A group of international researchers, led by a research fellow in the Harvard Medical School-affiliated Institute for Aging Research at Hebrew SeniorLife, published a paper today in Cell describing a study aimed at better ...


Important discovery for the diagnosis of genetic diseases

A study conducted by Marie Kmita's team at the IRCM, in collaboration with Josée Dostie at McGill University, shows the importance of the chromatin architecture in controlling the activity of genes, especially those required ...

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