
Put down the protein shake: Variety of protein better for health

Amino acids have long been touted by the fitness and bodybuilding communities for their muscle building benefits. From ultra-bulk protein powders to lean mass-promoting snack bars, there's no shortage of products available ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

When neurons are out of shape, antidepressants may not work

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most commonly prescribed medication for major depressive disorder (MDD), yet scientists still do not understand why the treatment does not work in nearly thirty percent ...


Researchers point to a common cause in sudden death syndromes

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) are syndromes that share many medical similarities but whose physiological causes are poorly understood. An opinion article publishing March ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers identify three sub-types of depression

According to the World Health Organization, nearly 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression and these rates are on the rise. Yet, doctors and scientists have a poor understanding of what causes this debilitating ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Serotonin speeds learning

An international team from the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown (CCU), in Portugal, and the University College London (UCL) in the U.K. has uncovered a previously unknown effect of serotonin on learning. Their results ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mutation links bipolar disorder to mitochondrial disease

Mutations in the gene ANT1 may confer a risk for bipolar disorder through a complex interplay between serotonin and mitochondrial signaling in the brain. These two pathways have been separately implicated in bipolar disorder, ...

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