
Transplant drug may provide benefits after spinal cord injury

New research in mice indicates that a drug commonly used to suppress the immune system in recipients of organ transplants may also reduce tissue damage and neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury. The findings are published ...


Giving paralysed people control and independence

A device that offers paralysed individuals - including those in the most severe 'locked-in' state - better control and communication has been developed and improved, thanks to a project funded by the European Research Council ...


Realizing the potential of stem cell therapy

New animal studies provide additional support for investigating stem cell treatments for Parkinson's disease, head trauma, and dangerous heart problems that accompany spinal cord injury, according to research findings released ...

Medical research

Excitotoxicity and nerve cell death

Neural excitotoxicity can be involved in spinal cord injury, traumatic hearing loss and Alzheimer's. The Stressprotect project has gathered data on this often devastating phenomenon at biochemical, genomic and physiological ...


Spinal cord treatment offers hope

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) researchers have developed a promising new treatment for spinal cord injury in animals, which could eventually prevent paralysis in thousands of people worldwide every year.

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